Monday, August 13, 2007

So this is what you younguns call BLOGGING...

Now that I am freed from the hellfire shackles of full-time employment,
I find myself with a wee bit of time to memorialize my ramblings and rants in blog form. Trouble is, I got nuthin' today. Nada, zip, moo. So this inaugural post will be short and sweet. Hang on a tic -- that is an affront to the blogosphere. I must ramble, I must, I must, I must. about waxing rambletic about the title of this blog? Snarky Snark was my first pick, but that was taken, as was the totally awesome Ninja Duck. Teletubbies-4-Ever was a little long, Tinky Vinky Lives seemed a little too esoteric, as did Nia Rowr Meow (think anime kitties)...Goo Goo Woo was oh so close...[Sidebar: Goo Goo Woo reflects my vain love affair with the Double-O in my last name, Woo....Sidebar to Sidebar: did you know that drawing the two "o"s onto the rounded valleys of the "W" is a surefire giggle enhancing doodle? My childhood is marred with chalkboard Woobs. Children can be so cruel. And drrty. But I digress from my initial sidebar. The Goo Goo is a nod to my favorite pandie bear of all time, Gu Gu. You may recall him from this offbeat news item. He inspired my signature motto "Bite Me", as well as my vision for the Coolest Halloween Costume Ever: Vampire Panda. Um, if I add a TM behind that, will I be able to get a cut of the profits?] Sheet, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, Blog Name. The title is "Have Snark, Will Travel", which I like, since that sums me up snarky, me wanna travel. And me lazy...hence the shorter blog url of "". Ding! Oooh, my Tivo beckons with its sweet siren beep. Peace out, kiddies.

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